Hot Chocolate Stains

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This is the perfect season for you to come closely together with your friends and family, enjoying the warmth of togetherness. This calls for holiday parties, rife with guests and delicious food – and who can forget hot chocolate. It’s the perfect drink that seems to warm you up from the inside – even warming your heart and spirit. However, hot cocoa is a notorious stain culprit – which is why the rug stain removal experts at Aladdin have prepared this brief guide to mitigating the damage that hot chocolate can cause to rugs.


  • Colorless Liquid Dish Soap
  • Ammonia
  • Bowl
  • Towels

Hot Cocoa Cleaning Methods

  • First, blot up as much of the hot cocoa as possible, blotting towards the spill’s middle.
  • Mix a tablespoon of the dish soap with two cups of warm water in a bowl, then dampen a towel with the mixture.
  • Blot the spot again towards the middle of the spill with the damp towel, being careful not to further spread it. Then rewet the towel with the solution and repeat, until no more hot cocoa comes back up.
  • If this has removed the stain, take a towel dampened with plain warm water and blot it to remove remaining soap solution.

Extreme Hot Chocolate Stain Removal

If the stain won’t move try this method – but be careful with the ammonia you use, as it can damage carpet dye and fiber. Also make sure to wear gloves – and never mix the ammonia with chlorine bleach.

  • Mix ammonia with two cups of warm water in a bowl – wet a towel inside the mixture, then wring it out.
  • Blot the stain with the damp towel, working towards the middle of the spot from the outside. Rewet the towel and continue until no more hot cocoa comes back up on the towel.
  • Use a towel damp with cold water and blot the carpet to remove any of the ammonia solution that might remain.
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